Longpoint Technique Event: The Techniques

Techniques List (From Pseudo-Peter Von Danzig)

The techniques listed below will be included in the Longpoint 2019 Technique event that is part of Longsword and Man-At-Arms triathlons and both Pentathlons. The full rules can be found here.

1. Zornhau Ort und Oben abgenomen

Mark, the Wrath-hew breaks all Over-hews with the point, and yet is nothing other than a simple peasant strike, and drive it thus: When you come to him with the pre-fencing, if he then hews at your head from above on his right side, then hew also with him wrathfully from your right side from above, without any parrying, on his sword. If he is then Soft on the sword, then shoot in the long point straight before you and stab him to the face or the breast. So Set-on him.

Mark, that is when you hew in on him with the Wrath-hew, then shoot the long point into the face or breast, as the fore-described states. If he becomes aware of the point and parries strongly and presses your sword to the side, then wrench up over it with your sword on his sword’s blade, off above from his sword, and hew him to the other side, yet on his sword’s blade, into the head. That is called “taking off above”.

2. Krumphau zu den flechen und hauen

Mark, you shall drive this technique against the Masters from the bind of the swords, and it drive thus: when you come to him with the pre-fencing, then stand with the left foot before and lay your sword to your right side in the Barrier-Guard (or hold it on your right shoulder). If he then hews above to the opening, then hew strongly with your long edge with crossed arms against his hew, and as quickly as the swords clash together, then… hew him with your short edge Meanwhile, from the sword to his head or to his body.

3. Zwerchhau und Stoss mit gehiltz und schlag

Mark, the Thwart hew breaks the guard From the Day and all hews that come hewing down from above, and drive the Thwart thus: when you come with the pre-fencing, then stand with your left foot before and hold your sword on your right shoulder. If he then stands against you and holds his sword high over his head with outstretched arms and threatens to hew in at you from above, then come before him with your hew and spring with your right foot well on your right side against him, and in the spring Wind your sword with the hilt before your head so that your thumb comes under, and strike him with the short edge against his left side to the head.

When you hew to him with the Thwart from your right side, if he then parries and binds strongly on your sword therewith then… thrust his sword off to the side from the Thwart with your hilt, and strike him therewith to the other side.

4. Schielhau und einschiessen

Mark, when you come to him with the pre-fencing, then stand with your left foot before and hold your sword on your right shoulder. If he then hews above in to your head, then turn your sword and hew long against his hew with the short edge, over his sword with stretched arms above in to his head. If he is then clever and Fails with the hew, and will Change-through below your sword, then let the point shoot in long before you with the hew, so he may not Change-through below.

5. Scheitelhau und Hende Drucken

When you come to him with the pre-fencing, if he then lies against you in the guard Fool, then set your left foot before and hold your sword on your right shoulder in the guard, and spring to him, and hew strongly down from above with the long edge to his head. If he then parries the hew so that his point and hilt both stand over him, that is called the Crown. Then remain high with your arms, and with your left hand lift your sword’s pommel over you, and sink the point in over his hilt to his breast. If he then drives up with his sword and thrusts your point upwards with his hilt, then Wind your sword through under his Crown with the slice in his arms and press. Thus is the Crown again broken, and with the pressing slice fast in the arms, and then pull yourself off with the slice.

6. and 7. Choose Two Techniques from those listed below

• Aussere Mynn

When you come to him with the pre-fencing, then stand with your left foot before in the guard From the Day, and see well how he will fence against you. If he then hews long above in to you, then watch so that he does not reach you, and mark while his sword goes under you against the earth with the hew. Then spring to with your right foot and hew him above into the head before he comes up again with the sword… if he then drives up quickly with the sword and comes below you on your sword, then remain strong thereon. If he then heaves fast upwards with the sword, then spring with your left foot behind his right and strike him with the Thwart… to his head on his right side, and work quickly again around to his left side with the Doubling…

• Absetzen

Mark, drive the Setting-off thus: when you come to him with the pre-fencing, if he then stands against you as if he will stab, then set your left foot before and stand against him in the guard of the Plow on your right side, and give an opening with your left side. If he then stabs to that same opening, then Wind against his stab with your short edge on his sword (and your sword on your left side), and therewith Set-off, and therewith step to him with your right foot and stab him Meanwhile to the face or the chest.

• Durchwechseln von paiden seiten

When you come to him with the pre-fencing, then hew in above strongly. If he then hews against your sword (and not to your body), then let the point go through his sword with the hew, below between you, before he binds on your sword, and stab into the other side to his breast. If he becomes aware of the stab, and drives quickly after the stab with parrying with the sword, then Change-through yet again…

• Durchlaufen erst leibt ringen

Mark, when he runs into you and drives high up with the arms and will overwhelm you above with strength, then drive also up with your arms, and hold your sword by the pommel over your head with your left hand, and let the blade hang down behind over your back, and Run with your head through your arm against his right side, and spring with your right foot behind his right, and with the spring then drive in with your right arm against his left side in front, well around his body, and grasp him thus on your right hip and throw him before you backwards on his head.

• Ersten zwei winden

These are the first two Windings from the Ox on the right side alone, drive them thus: When you come to him with the pre-fencing, then stand with your left foot before and hold your sword on your right side before your head in the Ox. If he then hews from above on his right side, then Wind against his hew on your left side with the short edge on his sword, yet still in the Ox, and stab above into his face. This is one Winding.

If he parries the stab with strength and forces your sword on the side, then remain on the sword and Wind again on your right side over in the Ox, and stab above into his face.